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Everything You Need To Know About Pipe Relining

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Pipe relining is an amazing process to strengthen the existing pipes in your home. The method has way more advantages than completely replacing the existing pipes in the ground and is also more cost effective. This method of a pipe repair can be done on sewer pipes, underground pipes and any other main piping system. Optimised Plumbing Services offers the greatest pipe relining services in all of Sydney with expert knowledge and licensing in the field.Pipe relining is a newer process that involves lining the interior walls of the existing pipes. This is completed by a specific tube being inserted in the pipes which expands to the interior walls. The relining product cures and the new surface increases the life expectancy of the damaged pipe.

Advantages of Pipe Relining

Choosing to have the pipe relined over completely replacing them is way more beneficial in a number of factors.

Less Labour and Materials Needed

When having the pipe relined, there is far less labour and materials than need to be involved in the process. When compared to completely removing the old pipe, relining it requires a smaller amount of tradesmen and materials. Digging trenches, removing, replacing, these are all not present when choosing pipe relining.

A Large Decrease in Structural/ Landscape Damage

Because the process of pipe relining does not need the digging of trenches, there is less overall damage to landscapes. Trenchless pipe relining only needs up to a square metre to happen, which means it is also an easier process.

Less Expensive

The pipe relining process is less expensive because trenches are not being dug up, less labour involved and less materials/ tools are used in plumbing relining. Equipment for the relining solutions are cheaper, while also there is no need to have the old pipes removed. No matter for a home or business, the job will be more financially beneficial overall.

Quicker to Complete and Long Lasting

The whole process of drain relining takes a lot less time than removing and replacing the old pipes. Also, the newly relined pipes will last up to 50 years on average which makes pipe lining a long-term solution.

Limits with Pipe Relining

There are some barriers which can prevent pipe relining from occurring. A professional plumber can inspect the pipes and determine if they are suitable for the process. Here are the two major factors which can stop the process from happening:

Blocked Drains

If any pipes are severely blocked sometimes this can limit the relining process. As a result, calling a blocked drain specialist may be the only option to do to resolve the problem. Having them clean the pipes is important to have them suitable for relining. 

Broken Pipes

Damaged sections of pipes, often from tree root issues, can mean there are too many holes for relining to be successful. Therefore, often removing and replacing the pipe is the only option if it is really severe. Pipe relining can block smaller holes and, if done early, can prevent trees from breaking the pipes.

The Cost of Pipe Relining

The overall cost is determined by each plumber’s opinion, however there is a general cost of the process. Factors, such as the size and amount of pipes, can change the overall pricing of the trade. 

  • An average cost of $450-$550 per square metre is common, this applied for household storm-water and sewage drains
  • For a standard reinstatement of a junction it will usually cost $800 
  • The inspection, setting up and overall labour cost will often be $2500

Overall, these numbers will be impacted by other factors and by the plumber. However, the process is overall so much more cost effective, as well as applying labour, time and material. When compared to other methods of fixing pipes, this method is a lot more cheaper as a whole.

High Quality Pipe Relining Services

Optimised Plumbing Services offers the best pipe relining resources in the whole of Sydney. We know how to work in each and every suburb, as well as on all building types. Our long experience and licensing in the trade has also helped us complete successful jobs each time we work. Furthermore, we are really easy to work with, openly communicating with our customers on what the plan is. Additionally, we work on affordable rates, as well as working fast to have the job completed as soon as possible. To be in contact with our amazing pipe relining services, contact us on 02 8074 1475 or email us at When we work on your pipes you will have the peace of mind knowing professionals who follow the PCA are taking care of the job. Also to mention, we offer expert Emergency Plumber work, call us anytime for us to quickly help you with plumbing.

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